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Theater performance 02 'The Voyage'

'The Voyage' of a Being Searching for Dreams

Theater Performance 2 - Marine Boy 'The Voyage'


When : May 29(Wed), May 30(Thu) 19:30 ~ 20:20

Where : Festival theater MIME

Price : 15,000 won

Viewing age : six years of age or older

There's only one place to rest this small body, the most peaceful bed.

Many people are born, grow up, and live in this tiny space. They meet many people at the end of their lives and make promises they can't keep. Moments when the bed was everything in the world, dreaming of many things.
Meeting old friends again, Feeling the warm sunshine, Feeling the wind between your fingers, Smelling the fragrance of flowers. Can we enjoy those little happinesses again?
‘The Voyage’ tells the story of a person embarking on a journey in a space that feels like a dream, riding a moving bed. As the bed, seemingly unreal yet grounded in reality, carries him through surreal landscapes, a clown begins to communicate with the world and people through gestures.

Marine Boy
I will become a clown who can embrace both the joy and the sorrow of the world! Growing up on a small island in the southern sea, the sea boy Marinboy started his circus performance based on juggling in 2003 and has been invited to perform at numerous domestic and international festivals. He continues to integrate skills into art and focuses on the phenomena and reactions that occur within it. As a maker, he actively utilizes devices he personally creates in performances, meeting audiences in various ways.